Intracellular calcium concentration in deep cerebellar nucleus (dcn) neuron. This mechanism keeps track of intracellular calcium entering the cell through the cahva channel. The calcium concentration is for a hypothetical shell below the membrane of the cell, and affects the conductance level of the sk.mod channel mechanism. In addition, it affects the conductance of the cahva channel which uses the ghk equation to calculate current flow. Translated from genesis by j luthman and v steuber. Channel kinetics came from previous models in steuber et al. (2011) (genesis) and luthman et al. (2011) (neuron). This mod file was taken from luthman et al. (2011), model no. 144523, with no changes (identical mod file). Animal model comes from experiments in this paper. Morphology used is from rat (p14-17) in steuber et al. (2004), and channel kinetics come from previous studies (luthman et al. 2011, steuber et al. 2011) also on dcn neurons in rat (p13-19)