Frequently asked questions


Can I do my own experiments with channels?

Short answer: yes!

Should you be interested in evaluating the dataset of current response traces, our API offers access to the raw response traces, which we also used for data analysis.

Should you be interested in conducting your own experiments on ion channels according to our voltage clamp protocols, head over to Submit your channel, where we provide you with data files.

Finally, we offer the option to upload NEURON .mod your own experiments on ion channels according to our voltage clamp protocols, head over to Submit your channel, where we provide you with data files.

I am interested in machine learning. Can I try myself at partitioning/clustering the channel current response trace data set?

See, the previous answer. Our API offers access to the raw response traces, which we also used for data analysis. We will also soon offer the whole dataset as a compact download.


Where do you get citation numbers from?
Citation numbers are scraped from Google Scholar, and updated once per month.

Channel Browser

If I select "filter by", e.g. "Neuron Area", I get results that are not colored consistently if I color by "Neuron Area". For example, I filter for "axon" but there are channels in the results, that are colored for "soma". What is wrong?
In general, there can be several labels attached to each channel for these classes. So, a channel can have "axon" as well as "soma". Due to issues of display, currently if you select color by "Neuron Area" we're choosing only a single class to color channels by. Thus, the filter is giving you correct results, but the coloring is still displaying one of the other labels. This probably will be fixed in a future release.