Channel 146026-cad

General data

Metadata classes

  • Animal Model: rat
  • Brain Area: somatosensory cortex, layer 5, cortex
  • Neuron Region: dendrites, dendritic tuft (apical tuft)
  • Neuron Type: pyramidal cell
  • Subtype: active flux

Metadata generic

  • Age: 17-25 days old
  • Authors: A Destexhe.
  • Comments: Decay of internal calcium concentration. Written by a destexhe for destexhe et al (1993). Ancestor channel from kole et al 2006, model no. 64195, with only modification at line 78: solver method changed from derivimplicit to euler. Modeling study that uses experimental data (somatic voltage responses) from bekkers and hausser (2007), which is reflected in the animal model here. Ancestor channel (kole et al., 2006) also from somatosensory layer 5 pyramidal neuron.
  • Temperature: Experiments referenced in paper (Bekkers & Hausser 2007) done at 32-34 deg C, this mod file has no temperature dependence.

Current Response Traces

No traces available for this channel.