Channel 108459-kca
General data
- ICG id: 86
- ModelDB id: 108459
- Reference: Letzkus JJ, Kampa BM, Stuart GJ (2006): Learning rules for spike timing-dependent plasticity depend on dendritic synapse location.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: Wistar, rat
- Brain Area: somatosensory cortex, layer 5, cortex
- Neuron Region: soma, dendrites
- Neuron Type: pyramidal cell
- Runtime Q: Q1 (fast)
- Subtype: not specified
Metadata generic
- Age: 3-6 weeks old
- Authors: Z Mainen
- Comments: Calcium-dependent potassium channel, based on pennefather (1990) for sympathetic ganglion cells, taken from reuveni et al. (1993) for neocortical cells. Written by z mainen 1995. Taken from schaefer et al. (2003), model no. 83344. Experiments and modeling -- animal model info is from experimental methods, but the modeling morphology is also from a l5 pyramidal neuron (stuart & spruston, 1998).
- Runtime: 67.745
- Temperature: Model has temperature dependence, with q10 set to 2.3 and original kinetics at 23 deg C. Simulations done at 35 deg C. NOTE: see original ancestor mod file (mod no. 2488) for note about temperature.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
