Channel 37819-Iahp
General data
- ICG id: 1891
- ModelDB id: 37819
- Reference: Bazhenov M, Timofeev I, Steriade M, Sejnowski TJ (1998): Computational models of thalamocortical augmenting responses.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: cat
- Brain Area: cortex, thalamocortical circuit, precruciate gyrus, suprasylvian gyrus, ventrolateral thalamic nucleus, Area 4
- Neuron Region: single compartment
- Neuron Type: thalamocortical relay cell (TC, TCR), thalamic reticular (RE) cell
- Runtime Q: Q3
- Subtype: AHP
Metadata generic
- Age: not specified
- Authors: A Destexhe
- Comments: Ca2+ dependent k+ current ic responsible for slow ahp, model of a destexhe nov 1992. Likely adapted from destexhe et al. (1994), model no. 3670. Modeling study with experimental results from cat, rat and other sources. The animal model reflects some experimental data that was compared with the model. The model used here is simple, two compartments for cortical neurons and one compartment for thalamic neurons.
- Runtime: 73.932
- Temperature: Model has temperature dependence, with q10 set to 3.0 and original kinetics at 22 deg C.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
