Channel 141273-kca
General data
- ICG id: 1205
- ModelDB id: 141273
- Reference: Vierling-Claassen D, Cardin JA, Moore CI, Jones SR (2010): Computational modeling of distinct neocortical oscillations driven by cell-type selective optogenetic drive: separable resonant circuits controlled by low-threshold spiking and fast-spiking interneurons.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: generic
- Brain Area: layer 2/3, cortex
- Neuron Region: soma, dendrites
- Neuron Type: pyramidal cell, regular spiking (RS) cell, low-threshold spiking (LTS) cell, interneuron
- Runtime Q: Q2
- Subtype: not specified
Metadata generic
- Age: generic
- Authors: Mainen Z
- Comments: Calcium-dependent potassium channel based on pennefather (1990) for sympathetic ganglion cells taken from reuveni et al. (1993) for neocortical cells, written by z mainen 1995. Taken from mainen & sejnowski (1996), model no. 2488, with various changes to mod file, but no apparent change to kinetics. Modeling study, with morphology taken from various sources, including bush and sejnowski (1993), jones et al. (2007,2009), ziegler et al. (2010) for pyramidal neurons and fanselow et al. (2008) and mainen and sejnowski (1996). No explicit animal models mentioned, so this is considered to be generic.
- Runtime: 70.691
- Temperature: Simulation temperature was 30 deg C. Channel contains a q10 variable for temperature.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
