Channel 138382-SK2
General data
- ICG id: 1033
- ModelDB id: 138382
- Reference: Anwar H, Hong S, De Schutter E (2012): Controlling Ca2+-activated K+ channels with models of Ca2+ buffering in Purkinje cells.
Metadata classes
- Brain Area: cerebellum, Purkinje cell layer
- Neuron Region: dendrites
- Neuron Type: Purkinje cell
- Runtime Q: Q3
- Subtype: SK
Metadata generic
- Authors: S Solinas, L Forti, E D'Angelo
- Comments: Sk2 multi-state model cerebellum golgi cell model, by s solinas, et al 2007, published in solinas et al (2008). From solinas et al. (2007), model no. 112685, with no apparent modification to kinetics, only to units. Modeling study with no mention of animal model, so it is considered generic. Kinetics for this mod file come from previous model of golgi cell (solinas et al. 2007).
- Runtime: 75.424
- Temperature: Model has temperature dependence.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
