Channel 53869-ih_VCN2003

General data

Metadata classes

  • Animal Model: gerbil
  • Brain Area: not specified, medial superior olive (MSO)
  • Neuron Region: axon
  • Neuron Type: bipolar cell
  • Runtime Q: Q2
  • Subtype: h

Metadata generic

  • Age: generic
  • Comments: Ih channels in vcn auditory neurons, based on model of type ii cells in anteroventral cochlear nucleus in guinea pigs from rothman and manis (2003c) (model no. 37857), modifications by y zhou for an mso model. This file features extensive modifications from the ancestor file, but changes to kinetics are unclear. Modeling study which tries to reproduce experimental results from brand et al. (2002). Animal model listed here is from that study. Channel kinetics originally based on model of type ii cells in anteroventral cochlear nucleus of guinea pigs.
  • Runtime: 13.216

Current Response Traces

Action Potential