Channel 147461-iCaL
General data
- ICG id: 3282
- ModelDB id: 147461
- Reference: Conde-Sousa E, Aguiar P (2013): A working memory model for serial order that stores information in the intrinsic excitability properties of neurons.
Metadata classes
- Neuron Region: single compartment
- Neuron Type: inhibitory, generic, interneuron, excitatory
- Runtime Q: Q2
- Subtype: L-type
Metadata generic
- Authors: A Houweling
- Comments: High-threshold calcium current (l-current). From mccormick & huguenard (1992) for hippocampal pyramidal cells. Sources for channel mod files are not mentioned, but files appear to come from aguiar et al. (2010), model no. 128559. This version uses a different integration method, with derivative states instead of procedure. Modeling study, which uses point neurons, representing a generic working memory network. Animal model and neuron model are considered generic. Channel kinetics come mostly from previous studies of hippocampal pyramidal neurons.
- Runtime: 7.472
- Temperature: Model has temperature dependence with original kinetics at 23.5 deg C. Simulations were done here at 22 deg C.
Current Response Traces



Action Potential
