Channel 190559-naxn
General data
- ICG id: 4645
- ModelDB id: 190559
- Reference: Migliore R, De Simone G, Leinekugel X, Migliore M (2017): The possible consequences for cognitive functions of external electric fields at power line frequency on hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons.
Metadata classes
- Animal Model: rat
- Brain Area: hippocampus
- Neuron Region: unspecified
- Neuron Type: pyramidal cell
- Subtype: not specified
Metadata generic
- Age: 6 week - 12 months old
- Authors: Migliore R, De Simone G, Leinekugel X, Migliore M
- Comments: TITLE nax : Na current for axon. No slow inact. : M.Migliore Jul. 1997 : added sh to account for higher threshold M.Migliore, Apr.2002
- Temperature: q10=2, qt=q10^((celsius-24)/10)
Current Response Traces
Action Potential